Personalized, precision cancer care
Imagine if we knew which drug would destroy your specific cancer, without having to test different drugs on you to find out. Imagine a future where radiation therapy is so precise it has no side-effects. Give your best to make this future a reality today.
Priority Initiatives

Dr. Tarek Hijal
The Future of Radiation Oncology
Radiation Oncology is undergoing a technological and an AI revolution. Dr. Tarek Hijal wants to act now to bring new technology to Canada to make radiation therapy more precise and with fewer side effects for a wider range of cancer patients. With your support, new radiation therapy units can target more cancers more accurately and more efficiently, offering hope of recovery to more patients.
“With your help we can make the Cedars Cancer Centre at the MUHC the destination for specialized radiation therapy for cancer patients from across the province. We have the expertise but we need your help to purchase the most innovative and effective treatment machines to radically improve the standard of care for our patients.”
Dr. Tarek Hijal
Director, Division of Radiation Oncology, MUHC
Chairman, National Radiation Oncology Committee
PET-Guided Radiation Therapy Unit ($10M)
A PET-Linac machine uses an integrated
PET scanner to define biologically active
tumours. It can
- track and target biologically active
tumours in real time - treat a broad range of cancer patients,
from stages 1 to 4 - treat multiple tumours in one session.

Dr. James Tsui
A new centre for AI in oncology ($10M)
“With the recent advancements in AI, we are witnessing unprecedented capabilities in big data analytics. The sheer volume of data we now possess over the course of cancer care, combined with Montréal being a major hub for AI innovation, makes this the perfect time to leverage these technologies to transform cancer care both here and around the world.”
Dr. James Tsui
Radiation Oncologist, MUHC

High-Def, 5-Ring PET Scanner for precision diagnosis ($1M matched x5 by government funding)
A new PET Scanner at the MGH for faster and more accurate nuclear imaging for better diagnosis and personalized care.

Dr. Lorenzo Ferri
A pan-cancer, pan-Canadian Precision Oncology
Platform at the MUHC ($25M)
The current trial-and-error approach to chemotherapy drug selection unnecessarily exposes a significant proportion of patients to toxic drugs which don’t work for them. To replace this, Dr. Lorenzo Ferri and his team at the MGH grow a replica of your tumour in the lab and test hundreds of drugs on it to identify the most effective treatment for your specific tumour. His lab team have a five year plan to shorten and perfect the process, gain approval for use as the new standard of care for esophageal and gastric cancers, then to expand to multiple other types of cancer, while serving cancer
centres across Canada.
“You can help us usher in a new era of precision, personalized cancer treatments.”
Dr. Lorenzo Ferri
Director, Division of Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Josh Vorstenbosch
Precision equipment for a new surgical program for lymphedema care ($1M)
An all-too-common consequence of lymph node removal due to cancer, lymphedema can now be treated surgically, but only by highly trained plastic surgeons with the latest precision equipment.

“Cedars established the first Lymphedema Clinic in Quebec. Now we are adding surgical care. This can radically improve patient lives.”
Dr. Josh Vorstenbosch
Plastic Surgeon; Director, Surgical Lymphedema Program